Sunrise to Sound by loi(s) consuel(o)(a) johnson –stoessel-tzel-depierre (c.2004.Elmira,NY


Peter-to the musician in both you and me  (me and you)




The debt you owe me can never be paid. I lost the love we shared that late night,

Early morning on the beach, watching the sunrise, we were startled apart,

by two old people walking their dog. “What are people doing this early on the boardwalk”, I ask. I felt as if we had lost our part of the beach, of the ocean. You pulled me closer. “Coming down off of your high”?  I didn’t want to be the troubled addicts’ girl. You whispered a song as we watched the waves. The old woman threw a stick into the surf.  We watched as it was carried out to sea.  We both abruptly pulled apart. Why?  You turned and faced the direction to the center. I making my way sure of the sand.  You, still unsure.


We walked side by side the block and half to the meditation center. I walked up the stairs.  You opened the door.  I placed my auto-harp (harp) on the bunk hearing the music once again.  I felt the coldness of non-committal creep into you before I turned around.  You walked out upon the balcony, house guitar in hand.  I heard you singing. I felt you brush the sand away.  I felt the brushes away. The answers to if I had joined you on the balcony and continued our explorations. It would have probably been a continuation of house ‘etiquette’ i.e. boys club ritual. Yet a brush off still, not that I wanted to be one of the balcony babes or your fulfillment to/ of copying Patrick and his ‘expertise’ in your mind.

I remembered the rest of the musicians that past through the walls of the house: former roommates- your brother.  Their melodies entwined with your guitar strokes.  The song was not for me.  I touched my harp and placed it safely alongside the/my bed and fell asleep.



(c.2000.University of New Mexico, Albuquerque)



















Awakening Sunrise to Sound- Part 1


Mornings light

            Watching and waiting




            Moving above



And Venice beach

Soft plays of sunshine

Riding past an oceans’ waters edge

            Cresting above you




Me and you


            We roll apart

            A presence moving

            Moving us apart

            A sound

            Not the one

            Not one sound but several


            Steps on the sand

More than one

A presence of two

Two people walking on the sand

Slowly coming into view

Two old people with a dog

We laugh


A gentle laugh

A laugh gentled by time and presence

Is it ours or theirs?

laughter gentles their invasion

Arms close me within a sheltered awakening warmth.

I stare into eyes

Grey blue cloudy as the morning mist

And touch hair sun-bleached

Wet from more than just an ocean’s kiss

fathoming lengths surrendering a core

close to     my    self.  




Awakening: Sunrise to Sound- Part II.





We ascend stairs passing through open doors.

Abruptly standing on thresholds, pausing

Facing footprints forming



Molding sand


Two more footprints

Added to ours

Small tiny, reaching on tiptoes

Holding….waiting… risen above


Causing steady and sure sand to swirl

Risen droplets parcel down

Particling assurances in welcomed arms







Six arms surround one form—an anchor of strength



Circles entwined circles

Four grown and two blessed

All fall upon the sand

Arms, legs, bodies en mesh

Peels of laughter scent the air.














Awakening- Portraits in Sound(sunrise to sound)---Part III





I turn as coldness

Fills the air where you stood

A crisp non-committal slap

Announcing your departure


slotted time clocks, revolving doors, cellular phone meetings

assumed absence(d) resolute in playing ridicule to my soul

I hear singing from (a)the porch balcony

Your voice, your words


your hands on guitar strings brushes away the sand

the hours spent wandering and explaining each other

controlling  tears coming too easily to cover confusion

I see ghost slowly pass through the  walls of your house


Other musicians, former roommates, your global family

They all join you on that balcony

Their songs trapped within the strings of a shared family instrument

Guitar strokes melodically harmonize song  chording rhythmic touch


Releasing all (chords) held within a common law communal form

Your song was not for me

I touch my heart -- my autoharp lays by my side

Placing it safely aside


I crawl (ed) into bed and fell(fall) asleep

Your rehearsed song cascades

drowning the music of my silent tears


                                                                          I learned how to cry once again














Depth: a watercolored distance  c.2004.Elmira,NY




Ruined; whispered smoke lingers suspended                                                   

Encircling embraced arms; retreating, turning

Inward, closing, sensing, carefully watching

Purposely forgetting…………..lost pleasures

Love unwanted, only, yet……..yet, sighing



Escaping this poet,  swollen tears,

Zinnias of watercolors deflect a piercing glance

Smoke filled prisms juxtaposed mirroring redirected sunlight

Touching; sorrow will always be a carefully fabricated mask

Embarrassed, love more than misfortune



Overshadowed; only you did not see

The deadliest of persuasions, retreating

Stalling for too many unrequited times

Esse non est percipi

Dreams in half-mooned hotel rooms sing silent memoirs of shimmered twilight



Nothing is but what is thought

Occasionally glancing at retracted mirrored surfaces

Sunlit brushes, frozen views, newly opened wounds

Noticing hostility with nothing to say

Hangers blur into one ceremoniously laying at the foot of our bed



Opening more than windows, illuminating shattered smoke laden thought

July’s heat softens fettuccine stained sheets

“allegria is that sangria and allegro”?

Laughing, silently watching you dress

Escaping again? Does it seep through your pores?



yoUr usual equations broke this balanced heart

Surfacing unsuccessfully aborted approaches formulating swirls

Narcissus’, free float into hushed Sevillane turns

Orchids of thought lightly reverberate already subdued outburts

Conscience, I never meant to hurt






Institutionalized in higher learning harbor bay lights reflect

Open seas responding to whispered sighs

Laughter, you are the mother and father of my rhythmic response








































Summer in Venice California-2000a.d.(july-aug)

(class assignment University of New Mexico, Albuquerque c.2000)




You singularly possessed are not the friends that you keep

Upon this lifes’ needle turns

Of laughter denied entered once





Through a voice clouded by descensions

Grasping within a mothers cry

Let me go amongst the cliffs you have braced

Far out beyond the rocks regally

Addressing that partially open door

As the lick of a flame

Held in anticipatory hands

Signals greedy intakes of your breath


For me and our unborn child

We have felt and inhaled nothing

Even though our lips brush your extended field of mirror













Peter John Stoessel~(summer in Venice California,2000)-One Act  (siloquoy)


freewrite-10min in class assignment


I remember him standing there on the balcony with what I personally felt was my crude self- portrait. He stood there with the ink wash in his hands. At first, he did not notice me watching, and then, almost, an underlash- hooded dismissed look in his eyes. Hhum! Maybe, he wanted me to see him, to catch him holding, an image of me. A piece of myself, a hastily sketch insecure crude piece of myself. Maybe, he wanted to be caught? Invading my privacy. He sensed my presence? Maybe? There was no expression on his face, really. Not at first. He stood holding the sketch and staring off towards the beach. I must have made a sound. He looked at me.  I demanded my sketch back, amidst his laughter and holding it over the railing. I demanded it again. The tension surrounding us, the uncertainty of whether he was going to rip it up or throw it over the balcony left a questioning aura in the air. I threatened him. “if you don’t give me my self back you will follow it over the railing”. I continued with.” over that balcony”, when his laughing eyes turned opaque.” His laughter stopped. He smirked. “Give it back”, I demanded.  Like children or two very confused lovers, we stood on that balcony staring at each other. One hand held over the railing, a sketch precariously blowing hitting the top of the railing. We fought. I grabbed at my self-portrait while trying to push him off the balcony. He grabbed me swinging me towards the balcony doors. I don’t remember what happened next. I stared at him. With my mind and my eyes doubting he understood either, I warned him, then with my voice I spoke the words which explained his actions, ”Don’t be like Patrick.” Yes, it was him that I wanted, not Patrick but him Peter being himself. I didn’t want the atmosphere around us, the controlling nor the implied thoughts. I just wanted us. Two lovers on the beach fucking ; just fucking then making love in the sand. The next day on the way to class, I left the sketch on the back seat of the bus. I figured it made its way into lower or upper Los Angeles or maybe UCLA campus or maybe someone took it home with them. More likely it became feet fodder. An impression of me,  Thank God it looked like someone else. (Note for sensors (censors): f…. g an action accune to copulating/making love tersiary to unabashedness-dear god….)






For the roses I had to buy myself throughout the years and the ones never received either stolen or given or claimed by another even though someone swore up and down that they sent me flowers (roses)(couldn’t remember my name?)




Rose Petals

(class assignment University of New Mexico,Albuquerque c.2000)






            they fall



falling rose petals fall


…….fallen petals of roses



they fall






Alacrity swirls








            Fall down?




More than a dozen roses if sent by the right person



The rose petals fall

Cascading down a non-built stair

A thousand showers descending upon the touch of one

A scented haven amidst the rancor of eternity

Forced upon and apart as fields of feet storm through




A hand reaches down swirling a mass

Gently tracing lines of forming petals

Thunderous voices bombard my ear

I deafen all but what grows beautifully comforted

Nestled safe within silken linen cloths of time



Do you (softly) hear the words themselves?


(class assignment University of New Mexico, Albuquerque c.2000)




Rose Petals II.


(class assignment University of New Mexico, Albuquerque c.2000)



Flower petals descended upon the masquerade ball floor.

Electronic music vibrated the shadowed lights and costumed figures dancing, writhing in and out of time to the music.

She stood at the top of the stairway, masked like all the rest

In a shrouded abusive sneer, she glided down the stairway.

Air and music seemed transfixed, one man danced as if lost,

Dressed in black, unaware of the stillness in the air,

He continued to move around the dance floor. His eyes

No longer focusing on his partner. They no longer focused on the crowd. The music seemed to taunt and engulf him. A heady scent of roses and something he could not quite put his finger on aroused more than curiosity in him. Stilling the audience, unaware of their stares, she moved in time with him. He looked into the eyes behind the mask. The eyes searched the blue of his. Glazed. The spell was it his or the forefathers. She moved closer to his body. Not touching, moving with him, he turbulently grabbed her within his arms. Feeling each others breath gracing but not surrendering to each others lips. Alive. Yes, both were alive. He held her tighter, recognition on his breath. Smiling, he brought her deeper within his soul. Arms, eyes, lips and body whispered her name








Untitled I- Aftermath, Venice California Memoirs

                                                        (c.2000.University of New Mexico, Albuquerque)


Oh, where – Oh, where….  I saw him today standing, stooped shouldered

no longer proud and arrogant. The pointed lines of his face more pronounced.

The cold stare, easy (easily) glazed over, sharpened acutely. He wasn’t alone.

Swimming-, my mind , my mind is swimming .  Does where, really matter?





No, it wasn’t to be him; Not him with someone else. Okay, somewhere else, maybe

Where ocean’s, natural causes, days and nights of transportation keep emotions apart.

Somewhere, where I cannot see, hear, or feel him.

Sweden  was  who I suggested. A reported and recorded longer history. America has only admonish and embarrassed both of us.  One hand reaches out softly caressing a cheek.  Another grabs a newspaper lying importantly beside, opening, giving cover to my face and our baby. Heads turn and stare looking in two directions, my mind, my eyes avert from the scene unfolding.

Words softly whisper

                                    Circling ‘round,


“you are like the urges and cravings for the cigarettes that I no longer smoke”

….uh hum

                                                “still wanting?”

“walk away when one’s lit”






                                                               “Never run away!”


Sit ,…..waiting,   smoke fumes signal warnings of their second hand effect.



                                                           No contact?

Cigarettes extinguished

The smell of the happy couple’s leaving


A relief of clean crisp air lowers a newspaper

Eyes notice how the sun still smiles through your hair…..




  ---- “Newspapers cover a lot”




 (Poetry486/586-university of new mexico-prof, sagans class sept.2000)

[class work for other professors-lost/stolenyears1986/7-2000 due to auction Dec.2000 in california, santa monica of items in storage- brit.levels486-grad586-600]




La Pantoum



I could not stay within times even grasp

Of seamless holds mirroring this extended reach

While processional turns(ed) upon my hours breath

Signaling Christ, his apostles and the cock which crows his urgings


Of seamless holds mirroring this extended reach

A multifunctional heart punctuates lives

Which signals Christ, his apostles and the cock which crows his urgings

To the surrounding inhabitants of my Gothic walls


A multifuntional heart punctuates lives

Devoid- Romantically detached opening melancholys’ bitterness


To the surrounding inhabitants of my Gothic walls

I stand delivered upon your throne

Devoid—Romantically detached opening melancholy’s bitterness

While procession turns upon this hours breath


I stand delivered upon your throne

I could not stay within times even grasp


(class assignment University of New Mexico,Albuquerque c.2000)



                             ----{necessity and beauty of language(writing poetry)}






A veil, a ring and a cross of thorns, the uninvited and unwelcomed guests


Bitterness permeates the house

                      The walls

                                The womb

                                    The bed in which I lay

It stands invisible

Following closely behind

                  Laying around

                         Coupling in my bed

Walking into each room

Eating the food out of my mouth


Food needed to nourish the child growing within my womb

It grabs within the womb

Claiming a father and mother hood not of its own making

I hear another’s voice



Acknowledging the woman it cannot be

It invokes jealous surroundings


Yet no rise is given


As it rattles off names of women

Claiming ownership---the spoils of life and of death

Nothing was of their own making

                           Breathing foul breaths

They laugh sardonic laughs

Smearing delicate features



Shadowing the view of perfect and true form

They demand pedestals of lies

Thrones of deceit

Hearts no longer worthy of love


He becomes it

She becomes him

                  A foundation

                                       an order

An organization of lives (lies)

It is the cross I rest upon their chests

At (upon) the hour of their deaths.

(Class assignment-Albuquerque, New Mexico; 2000-prose/ritual poem)




Playing Hide –Go- Seek in the Dark



Getting through the day

Open drawers long since closed

Touch forgotten memories

Of times now gone


Hope is a little boys smile

Even is a little girls

Laughing eyes of forgotten tears

Last longer than their tomorrows


Achieving more than a critics rudimentary goals

Societies outcast formulate non-linear tendencies

Sexual aversions surmount even your spiritual counsel

Harboring old resentments of vendettas sold

Oscillating outcomes divide natural forces

Literally translating N.A.T.O.S spine

Existentialistic blue crosses shield your true home






(Class assignment Oct. 2000 New Mexico-Albuquerque-acrostic/letter poem)



Stop looking out windows while taking exams


      I shall never see a sunset quite like me.


(class assignment Albuquerque, New Mexico; 2000 a prose/free verse poem)





She hides in the backyards of your mind



She hides in the backyards

Of once famous and pure beliefs

He stands as if summoned

A predator of the streets


Gods, both from eras past

Assured of their footholds

Slowly spinning, she looks among the falling petals

More aware of his bitter cold


A darkness only allowing

Glimpses of like not light

Total obliteration- she watches each form and languishes

Against too many starless nights


Knowing the shadows will be given honor

A duty, they were not selected for

He laughs superiority assumed

A laugh-- the humor , he stole from her.





(class assignment University of New Mexico, Albuquerque c.2000)






Pneumonic Calming of Braxton-Hicks Contractions

                                                          (c.2000.University of New Mexico, Albuquerque)



Slowly, fading amongst the pillows

Ravaged by turmoiled (turmitten) palpitating emotions

Wrenching to and fro across endless streams

Succumbed to the pulsating rhythms

Tumulting sounds press upon wombed walls


I surrendered


Standing, stilling, the precipice, you surrendered

The hope has become the tears staining my pillows

Delicately detailed images of dancing princes blaze across her walls

Luminescent blue-violets, lavender glows of captured emotions


Blown glass absently stroking away languid rhythms

Once again floating freely, spinning their reclined sea foam green streams.

My tears, huge rose petals still fall from that long forgotten stream.

Slowly moving, shining bright upon each moment of surrender.


Star laden tributes, unworthy of this sunsets’ rhythm

Call forth seductions ritual retreat from my well-made pillows

Too immense, my possibilities, her emotions concealed disparaging onlookers

I walk each step as an upright wall


Coccooning butterflies within these self- supported walls

Azure bright eyes tempt streamless words through receptacle binoculars of undying emotion surrenders surrendered only to surrender surrendering

A thousand trillion feathers to pillow the lies bosomed within their darkest rhyme


Nocturnal firelights cast rhythmic advances of perpetual need

My rooms once  walled, hold forever the severed paint-chipped mirrors of religious icons

Empty pillows buffeting overflowing banked streams

I cannot surrender her swelling bundle of emotion


Nor do I humbly assign the singular expression which emotes duplicity from others formulating rhythmically diverse petitions accentuating another’s surrender

I hurl myself against stone walls attempting conformity, denying streamlets

Fashioned from the fall of late pillowery(pillory).


Muffled sounds enunciate a pillows strained emotion

A caustic apparition streaming forth rhythms of walled surrender.





My baby talks to me from inside my womb –(list poem)

                      (c.2000. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque poetry 422 Prof. Sagans class)







Hair wavy straight, casted sand to a reddish-brown, photographed to a straighter not so curly darker hue at birth

I have seen the sunshine of your complexion, the natural sunlight and laughter in your hair from God’s and Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviours’ blessings upon this tired earth

Except in my dreams - medieval, renaissance  and modern play finding the presence of my Knights bequest

Your eyes are a race seen – violet blue with the smokey- gray of your fathers and forefathers – tear lined like us all

The hazel blue amethyst brown of mine-stormy brown , protecting, making it easier to walk - en terra


Your nose is a pert aquiline a cross between your fathers and mine

Your mouth small and thin---a probability to a delightful sneer

Your language may find its way among the rest

Hidden stolen by America and her people

It would kill those who know of your line---the best, to hear it slandered and tossed about

A soft revival musically balanced and beautifully gentled to all sounds

A dimple you will have in the middle of your chin

Dimples in cheekbones—ah maybe, maybe not

Yet, a laughing smile provoked to soothe all of life’s and the  commercial and ‘respected’ medias’ wounds


A height you will stand—a resemblance to your father

A tower, alas, with only my strength

Ah, but for now, small hands and legs curl into a ball and fall safely and soundly asleep

Upon your wake our eyes shall undoubtedly meet with arms willing and waiting to hold you.












Laundry Day with the Irish-Catholics(c.2000.University of New Mexico, Albuquerque)
Sorted whites and sorted blacks
Colors delicately separated
Sunday’s best and playground fun
Stuffed into overnight bags
And backpacked backs
Rolls of quarters counted out
Laundry detergent too heavy to carry
Soiled, dirtied loads held on strong backs
I wait as cars stream by
An already overloaded bus laboriously caresses the curb
I ascend stairs and sit precariously in front of variegated passengers
The baby kicks reminding me
That we haven’t eaten yet
Sunday restaurants are all closed
The word ‘brunch’ plays in my mind
Shops pass by, I stare into long rectangular windows
‘Brunch’ is whispered in my ear
‘If I were here I would have driven you’, it says





























































Listen hunter


I am going to write about your birth in several forms. This is an autobiographical sketch of the actual events of the day, my recollections, occurrences, things that happened.  What stood out in my mind.  Stuff to help me make myself remember: missed and seemingly unimportant details as well as important.  The days, minutes, hours leading to your birth, and afterwards. Basically this is for you Hunter so you will know what happened.   I always wonder about my birth.  I think , seriously, that I am adopted.  Your dad was adopted so his birth maybe sketchy to him ,   My mother and father argued over events and or forgot, ‘you were born they would say that’s all that matters’. There is mystery around your birth, two different birth times (medical records and security videotape of the delivery and your birth are ‘missing’ or ‘misplaced’). The copies of the medical records I received are in your  pediatric file at the Oregon office.  I am not sure if they mailed it to the Rhode Island pediatrician who now has to mail it to your new pediatrician, here in Elmira. This will (medical records not all being sent) will probably happen again since in about eleven months time we are moving from New York. This entry is dated Easter Sunday, April 2004 in Elmira, New York.

As I was saying there are two birth times (probably means you either had or have a twin brother or brother or sister. Also, the Pediatrician who I never met before, ‘on call pediatrician’, never signed off on his reports. That’s important because any mishap becomes an insurance matter and they need ‘doctor verification’.


The next reference to your birth is a poem of what happened, a prose and or poem piece of how I planned, dream and wanted your birth to be for you and myself. The way every little girl dreams of finding a significant other, settling down and having children. Living a long life together until they are old and gray or end up in divorce. The wife and mother tormented by the other woman who wrecked her marriage. A beautiful marriage and life rather than being called names; the nut case, the low side of something not quite explained. I wish not to be made to feel less than what I am, less beautiful, or part of a group of people I don’t even know. I wish not to be compared to someone else. That last statement wasn’t a pity me response. I wish not a feeling sorry for myself type of  façade.   A usual response to a projected mental images casted by another, through facial , body or verbal language.   When you grow up and find that special person make her feel more than or then special, above the rest but human enough to make her own decisions and mistakes, --not a tall order a normal doable or viable occurrence.   You must make sure you really, really, love that person and only love her, meaning do not have ‘help’- ‘groupies’ that you transfer in and out. Always make her feel that its just her and yourself.  Just the two of you with responsibilities, yet conversation matters -conversation in every form.














Birth Day- March 8-11,2001, Albuquerque, New Mexico University Hospital ,and  surrounding area(will remember name of complex before end of story-on a tax form)


I was still preparing for your birth.  I stood in my apartment (studio/hotel/motel room apt)

You saw it after your birth. I doubt if you will remember. It used to be owned by the military base on the other side of the fence that surrounds the apartment complex. The military base in some respects still may be the owners.  A typical Southwest, western, pacific coast strip motel/ hotel turned into apartments.  They range on the West Coast from ones you can rent daily, weekly or monthly to complexes taken over by corporations to house traveling military and their families or the traveling executive and their families. Commercial rates become much cheaper, in the long run. It was also

a way in one respect to safeguard and to keep track.  The concept or actuality has been glamorized and demoralized throughout the years but part of the southwest west/pacific landscape.  The apartment complex we were in probably had its heydey in the mid-fifties, sixties, Dean Martin Era -late sixties to early seventies. The retro Dean Martins,  RadioShack nerds, secret agent (remember the glasses I bought in Astoria, Oregon-reminiscent of my mothers at that time period, nah you probably don’t), guys in suits with dark glasses, the swingers or swinging 60’s era and the ‘Beat’ era.  It elevated the strip motel/hotel chains to a level deemed respectable and acceptable by religious and social society. It moved itself for a time far from seedy.  Although, there are always a few that depreciate and rebuild or sell outright. (researched through talks with several office managers and their husbands or significant others –strange people) Sometimes, they would just tell me something, that I mentally note. Conversation resembling,”that side table or painting has it always been here; or an old rustic tub in the entry way ,a taxidermied deer head in a restaurant,  can you tell me something about the area or where to eat”. A lengthier conversation starts or is continued from an ongoing conversation started by someone ahead in line. They usually turn around and include whoever is in the office. area in the conversation, whether as an affirmation for them or for another. They, apt managers and hotel clerks with their rental agreements and leases claim actually berate at time that, “their establishment is a respectable .”  There will always be con artists. They should say that to more rock stars then giving them leeway and subjecting the little people/common man…uhm , ‘the black man’ whatever (I forgot how they say it).

Enough of that, where we were or where I was before you were born, etc. etc. had long since renaissance into acceptability and the grace of still housing military personnel.

I was finishing your cradle, which is now housed at the Oregon Coast Historical Society.

I knew it was an antique, but I didn’t like the look of the stain, within the cradle. It had darkened throughout the years and I was praying that it had not been used in a witch’s coven, or some sadistic occult ritual.  So I sanded and holy watered it, but I still wanted a priest to bless it, in case I missed or forgot something. Remember the prayers/blessings- blessing of a new house, car, garden, cat.etc. I got in Oregon, I had several before our trip there. Anyway, I wanted it blessed by a priest before you slumbered in it. I was halfway through the sanding when I felt more than just a twinge. I said to you while you were in my stomach (belly), “just wait, I’m not done with the cradle yet”.  Your bassinet, I finished several months before. I felt rushed and hurried, but I wanted to finish before you came into this world. I bent to sand the other side of the cradle and the twinges - pain and kicks became worst/ worsened as the term may be.  A more pronounced pain. There was no warm feel of water rolling down my legs, like the other moms and books said there would be.  I slowly stood up and went to the bathroom. Still thinking the cradle, I was watching a PBS program early in my pregnancy about historical homes in Pennsylvania or was it a birthing show where they showed notable sights in that town. Anyhow, the cradle or one similar to it was pictured. It was either in the main room of the historic house or off of the main room. I said,”cool.”  At that time, I had named you after your father, rather a derivative of his name Peiter. “Cool, Peiter, that is your cradle/crib, your historic”, I said. All through my pregnancy, the midwives , myself plus everyone that I told that I was pregnant knew you as Peiter. The nurse at the clinic in Santa Monica, California, who after hearing the circumstances of my being pregnant, called you ‘little Patrick Peter’. “How is little Patrick Peter”, she  would say.  Maybe, she knew more than I did. That is always a possibility. I am now thinking I should have named you that. You have characteristics of both your birth dads really just one but the way they acted, friends to the end, probably. The height of Peter, your father and the sometimes personality trait of his friend Patrick.  Patrick was short and Irish, wily outgoing personable dark brown to blond curly-straight hair. I was trying to remember if his hair was brown or blond at the time, naturally so, etc. Your father was subdued, closed, angry at times, dominant then quiet, sweet or out of it, slim, tall, and athletic with blond to sandy brown hair, a pirate off of a vessel.  His brother tended to dress the part more. His brother was tall, slim, and athletic as well, with dark brown hair that he streaked blond.    I wondered who his hairdresser was. They had done a good job on his hair.  There were two other guys that I should mention not that, I interacted or associated with them. One they called ‘Big Daddy’, he lived at first address in Venice, California. He was blond huge like a Viking,- a model type. Yeah, like the guy who starred in Hercules and Andromeda, but taller. Television makes people look short or shorter on the average, who knows.  The other blond dude who lived downstairs at the meditation center looked about the same way-muscular, athletic, blond model type. I had met him the first day I moved in. He said his name was River. River and Big Daddy (surfer dudes) looked a lot alike. I never knew their real names. Featurely, they were different but one would have to get a closer look.  Your father tended to act like everyone else his brother, Pat, yeah, more like Patrick at times, rather than himself. He would defer to his ‘bigger/older brother and then in private say how he hated him. They had had a falling out, in the past.  It was about his older brothers’ son’s birth mother. It was the way his older brother referred to the women in his life. He had a girlfriend. “Some girl, he wanted to get with -the mother of his kid.” They weren’t married. “She would just get with him to make babies. She knew that his kids looked good or that he made good-looking babies”. Anyway, yeah, they were white boys but they sounded and at times, actually acted more ‘black or down’ then I ever could. Your father acted or tried to act more like a gentleman, a nice guy more so than his brother. Guys act different around certain people. A woman resented how nice they were to me at times. She was their plaything. She also, or he (new era) that I got them to do things and she couldn’t. She accepted the dirt they dished her and then she turned it around to seem like she was “part of the in crowd”. She tried to make people believe that they couldn’t live without her. In my life, their meanest actions became circumstantial – surface.  Anything, mean, life threatening or rumour motivated, is delayed. They are   transferred or appear superfacial. Then , they are dull tempered or made less violent. I am not saying that she was lying but, her problems are not mine. Himshe wanted to act or seem as if my personal friend. Basically, spiritually, etc., that was not going to happen. The  manager of the meditation center hated them both. He said they didn’t know how to treat their women. He also, suggested that I keep them both away from me.  I think I was set-up. The tension between them well, your father slept with the mother of your fathers’ brother children. Your father was living with them at one time. Your father wasn’t in the best of situations to go and do something like that. He was basically living off of them and had nowhere else to stay. His only option at that time, was to maybe go back home to his folks. He was not about to do that. That was what your father told me and I think his brother touched on it, one afternoon when he was apologizing about the fights he had started.  In the end, they where still talking. Plus, I don’t really know how much of that is true because a couple of times your father did stuff that made him seem like his older brother. They were both adopted by the same family- adopted, yet still ‘brothers’. Peter called himself Greg sometimes. I don’t know if he called himself Albert or Pat. He may have, especially when He owed people money or things.  A guy had come to the apartment looking for him. He was hiding in the bathroom. Hurriedly, on his way into the bathroom, he told me call him Greg. Not knowing what was going on, I ignored him. We had had an argument. We were not speaking. ‘Strange- strained-love ‘, I thought. I was on my computer while playing my autoharp, when the guy came into the apartment. He was asking if Greg lived there. %I think I said yeah or that I didn’t know a Greg except for the black guy named Greg. I think then Greg appeared and  Pat and the guy explained that he was owed money- Greg supossedly ditched him on a drug by, ran off with the drugs. Very confusing they all ended up leaving together. The drug dealer looked gay and wanted some kind of payment. I went back to my computer. William told me the gist of what happened later. I was trying to act cool, calm and collected. Inwardly going, oh for the love of God not another AlexanderThey also looked like Bon Jovi and his band and early members of Metallica, don’ t tell your dad if you should ever meet him, his brother looked more like an early member of Metallica especially in tight fitting leather pants like a young not aged rock star but because he knew that it sort of detracted from him plus he was the meaner to women, well, yeah meaner to women of the two. Your father looked like a taller, more athletic, until he started losing weight version of John(Jon) Bon Jovi.  Somethings,  I will never understand.

Back to the cradle, it’s appropos that it’s in an historic house in Oregon, sanded yet fully restored, or it will be. By the time you are old enough to read this, it will be. The curator dropped it. She was trying to put it in her car and it slipped and the teeter totter part the bottom curved rocking thing fell off. Hexes and curses off, I guess. I sat on the toilet looking to see if anything came out, blood. water.   I pee -peed but I figured that was normal.  I was looking for something, mystical water, a different color from regular urine clear and holy.  The twinges were still coming.   I wanted to really finish the cradle, but the hurriedness turn to a feeling of fear.  A subdued fear tempered with God if this is a mistake I don’t want to look like a fool.  Your not due until Sunday, your due date,  then…again…. what if somethings’ wrong?   A lot of pressure not just from you inside me but……Maybe nerves.  There was another big stabbing twinge. Okay, I think I can walk. Yeah, just me and you. Only me. I can do this. Plus…..I washed up and went to the closet and got the packed bag(baby bag) and appropriate clothes to wear. Scared is not just one word to use about how I was feeling. There are more but displaying emotion or telling my true feelings has never been a problem plus I know most of the angles and just how much to say and when and when directed or misdirected, voila’, basically I am my own worst enemy , think like the perf. Especially after, the last couple of years of strife , the continued name calling, slurring  and jealous outbursts of others.  I wished my feet hadn’t swelled so.  I wondered why up until the day before I hadn’t noticed that amount of swelling. I was always doing body and baby checks, this amount I would have noticed. Like God, I hope that comes off. Or Please God don’t make me look like those old pictures or my grandmother or my Mother after her diabetes weight gain.

I called a cab from in front of the building.  I waited in front of the main office for the taxicab to arrive.  I was worried but excited, hoping I seemed normal on the outside. No undue shows of tension or anxiety. Aurally, I did not feel like myself, superimposed upon. The image reflected in my mind and eyes definitely look from an extreme viewpoint. One might say a stereotype greatly altered.  The taxicab came .  I arrived at the University’s hospital still anxious.  I took the elevator to the midwifery floor, 

My mid-wife Dymphna was at a recert in Mexico City so I did not expect to see her, but…. She wasn’t there.  I knew the nurse on the floor, nine months of appointments and a couple of the mid-wives, so I figured—stop there first before going to the emergency room.     The nurse took my overnight bag(baby bag).  I then waited in the waiting room to be seen by one of the midwives on duty, that afternoon. They were acting hush-hush and that didn’t set right with me.  Their actions only increased my anxiety. I happened to look up from the magazine that I was reading. I heard loud whispers. I looked in the direction of the nurse’s station. They were going through my things. The clothes, toiletries packed in the bag(baby bag).  The nurse got up and slightly shut the door. That is to say she turned the door.  After a few minutes, it was open, again.  The midwife came out then called my name.  I didn’t like the looks of her.  Maybe, the search through my bag colored my opinion.I felt like a ‘new foreigner or a little girl pushed around and aside by big ugly older sisters’. The midwife examined me. I answered her questions, etc. Diagnosis: it seems that I in just one day developed preclampsia. That is pregnancy hypertension or pregnancy hypertension and preclampsia.  They were concern and making a point about the blackness- the ethnicity. The other young woman that had to stay in the hospital for the same thing looked Jewish/ we both attended the Baptist student Union, older students and married part-time student. She gave birth previously in December of 2003. She suffered from some disease plus being pregnant- some rich disease. By the time you read this you will understand what I mean by ‘rich disease’. We get sick on occasion the common cold but we too poor to get a disease or really, really sick, so we stay healthy and die when the lord or God tells us to -(Family Heritage). Now, don’t go hurting yourself to prove a point. Pregnancy hypertension was the cause of/for the swelling. A normal, perfect, silver tinged with gold, red-gold perfect pregnancy, medically beautiful, then the bomb drops- Pregnancy Hypertension. No beauty queen first sights for you, just me in a good and bad way). That statement explains why I didn’t say anything to you at first. When they placed you in my arms, I wanted to see what your eyes, your facial expression would say. I wanted to know what you thought of me. An old addage ‘children say the darndest things’. Thank God we loved each other on sight. Our awed bewilderments were reflected. Child reaching hoping for a caring mother mom dazed and confused. I jumped ahead of myself in the story, where were we….Your birth took  in hospital 2 days and 2 and half hours- 26 and a half hours not including the preclampsia diagnosis exam so 3 days and 2 ½ hours.  Okay, where were we……



They told me I would have to come back the next day and have my blood pressure checked, again, instead of keeping me overnight for observation - as my mother saids ‘making light of a situation’.  It makes me wonder about you , Hunter.  What, I went through the last minute sudden weight gain.  Maybe its an indicator that maybe in puberty you will get a growth, body mass spurt. That normally should come naturally (before the wantabe faith hill types take control)-quadroon.  Hopefully, no sudden surprises nor nothing serious or life threatening; since your medical checks, exams are perfect, model perfect, Adonis type- A line, rare blood type. Your finicky eating is my main concern right now ,yet they say great, above perfect iron count. (if my life were a vampire movie, I would be frightened – scared afraid, be very afraid).


I gathered up my baby bag feeling stupid and silly.  I went back to my apartment I didn’t work on the cradle.  The midwife had old me to rest.  I felt deflated and anxious.  I laid in the bed and thought. I knew too much and silently spent years hoping for truth where was none. Knowing my, beliefs apart from more than just make-up.  The empty space was and had long since been filled by something more precious than the stench of vindictiveness.  It didn’t make sense to me. And the woman cried “social revolution, ah, the revolutionary appears. La Bandita? Si.    I slept and woke the next day.   I didn’t get dressed up or reasonable better dressed than my usual bum/artist/Georgia O’Keefe attire - my drudged- about clothes.  I put a bandana on my hair and left my apartment for the hospital.  I didn’t care what impression I gave. I guess I never have. I appropriate things but too much weight and concentration on diversities. Freedom dude, it seemed as if fighting “whatever” was useless.  I just wanted you to be born safe and healthy - a ‘concentration’, construct of your father and myself.-A.L.W.(Andrew(Frank) Lloydd Weber (Wrightian)). I figured just a check and they will send me home, like they did the previous day.   I didn’t expect to stay in the hospital.  Everything would be okay, I would come home again feeling like an idiot and you would be born on Sunday as scheduled.

With that in mind, I didn’t take my overnight bag (baby bag,nor did I call for a taxicab. Since it was just a check-up, I would take the bus. I cleaned up, that is I showered and changed  and put on my kick about clothes, a  pink bandana  with black and white designs on my head and left for the hospital. The one I where now is light blue with black designs. I still avoid certain customs they are too stupid. The only thing Hunter to remember, special occasions get dressed up. There are different attires., and clothes serve that purpose. Wear the clothes don’t let them wear you. I t seems certain people like to get trapped in certain beliefs-ideologies.  Even after being judge by outer appearance and abused in many different ways and by ‘family’ members. I learned to live freely as possible without judgementers. Its too tiring or ‘beat’. If  I said they altered the pictures. Then that starts a domino effect. Both sides arguing, etc. I am so happy you are my son eventhough none of any ‘good’ pictures are left for you and the skectches are subjective as well, anyway, I have a couple Great ones hidden, not what your father, etc. want to see. New York or Venice(Venezia)_ never really knew me and as beliefs , just know I think they are nuts. Hopefully after I type in what else happened the pictures will clear somewhat(featurely). Under the name I was born with and go by daily, everyday a lifetime of my name. True and real. In the southwest state, people wore blue jeans to work everyday in politically and municipal jobs. New york, the corporate accumen is still stressed. Which causes their stress, they should wear blue jeans everyday to the stock exchange or C.E.O board meetings. Anyway, stuff you will excel at when the time comes, because believe me I have a name for certain types and you will not be them.


I walked to the corner and caught the bus. At, the hospital I went to maternity. I checked in at the nurses station. I sat in the little waiting room area behind the desk., by the copy machines – the charting area.  I watched the residents or interns as they are called. Doctors to some. It was change of shift or lunch break. My appointment was for 12:00, noon time.  I had reached in time, way in time. .I sat there and watched them. Maybe , it wasn;t until right around noon time that I was seen, not that I don’t know. Certain things stand out.. They did the puliminaries, There were two women waiting to be moved to delivery or whatever. The resident was in the room with one woman, they were acting busy, distant. A we are the creme- de la crème attitude(Flamenco- everything is a-t-t-I-tude). The other women was in the examining room, that iwas to go in. They were having trouble, or so it seemed with the woman at the other end. There was someone in the middle room but I don’t remember that one too much.  . The resident came out of the room and spoke with,or maybe he was the attending doctor, nah, he was the rsedent. He spoke with the nurse and the other two doctors. There was a problem. The woman wanted to leave. She was according to him ready to deliver. The reason I mention this will become clear. The doctor went back into the room. The door to the room across the room I was to go in opened. A girl. Young woman around twenty something in appaerance step out. Her mother was in the room and stood directly behind her. She stood at the doorway looking, surveying the scene. Obviously she was wondering what was holding the doctor up. She was blond looked liked one of those Brittany Spears, eminem area types, the ones they always call lupee and they always teache hip hop dance classes/ Queen of the streets or the Bad girl handker types ones in charge but a step up from, they have attitudes and know '‘he cool scene- the p-diddy ,ll cool j types- that scene. I am wondering who will be the ‘representative’ for the area of life- the hip hop rap not punk trying to think what type white band she would listen to , they usually listen to hip hop rap and country- line dancing stuff – teenage angst types but not really. –top forty stuff I don’t like. Since it was new Mexico- texichita or texicana music. Big boned, she reminded of a girl in bellydancing class. Madonna of the street. Ghetto. Type. Not the black Madonna. The Ghettos and streets have more than one color. She was observing me, as well. Not a fashion type but like one of those ‘Deb or those hip hop  street barbie dolls- star and trey , you know that doll commercial. There was a sense of sizing up from her. I felt a put down in her mind, ‘one of those I am the better or the best – the worth more than you philosodphies -(madonna syndrome types.) The ‘my man types’, I am sure they will still be around when your old enough to read this. Their mothers are always with them which is good and their families extended made–up or real. The nurse went over to them, I think she asked how much longer. I heard something about that they were waiting for a room to be prepared. So the had already been seen but other things and the doctor had too see them. They went back into the room. What really distracted me was about the time the blond long hair tied in a ponytail woman step from her room another intern resident had entered the nurses station  He looked familiar and his attitude was familiar but I couldn’t place him, yet he looked like the Officer Tafoya , who had  illegally/falsely arrested ,frame and trump up charges. On me in Taos.  He sat in the main chair at the nurses station. Turning around in it. Cocky was his attitude and demeanor. He’s not a doctor, I thought to myself,. He cannot be an intern. What is Tafoya doing here? Is he going to try and steal my baby? He’s corrupt enough for anything. He acted the same as that night in the Taos hospital. Subtly threatening the nurses and staff, not the nice how is your kid doing but you know I can make your family member whomever disappear or be beaten up or you or a family member still owe my family for the money we loaned you when little harry needed  a tonsilectomy  or needed some kind of surgery, hellos.  Then, he was crying like a baby when his rest of the evening entertainment, he had planned for me- like I said he falsely accused0 he was known for accosting some woman in a prison cell – I am a police officer your jailer, etc. Anyhow, an agency came out of nowhere- I wonder if that was staged- yet I was going to be transferred to the –happy vale in Las Vegas, NM. I should have been released. He was still sputtering. That’s not how we usually handle it. Is this something new, etc. His kingdom was falling. There was a change of shifts and another officer came to replace him. He at first refused to leave. And then he bravadoed his way out the door. An I am still wearing my pants and still an officer type of attitude. I ahd slept the night in a nice private room , in the Taos hospital, the quietest hospital in the world. They had no emergencies that night. A Taj Mahal with maybe ten patients and all the well 69 to 77% up to date latest equipment. and was transferred to the  Las Vegas- ‘Happy Vale’ the next morning by the sheriffs department. Tafoya was  with the local. city of Taos police department.. The resident open the door of the other room at the end of the small , narrow hallway (close quarters).   He came out of the room leaving the door open, slightly turned. The intern, at the desk said something to him in greeting. The resident while making notes in the womans chart said to the Tafoya resembling guy,  What are you doing here?, are you working this shift?.  The tafoya looking dude said that he had come in early and he was scheduled to work that shift. The resident was friendly ,a seemingly drinking buddy fun comradery, a polite friendship but grey matter  somewhat aloof

He asked about the patient in the end room. The resident briefed the other one- the woman was due to deliver like maybe in a couple hours. She wanted to go home to get her other child from day care. She had a child before – 2nd pregnancy. Yet the doctor wanted her to stay and be transported to delivery. She had no one to pick the child up. He said, that he was releasing her but she had to come immediately to emergency especially if something happened- sometimes muffled conversation. That’s pretty much what I heard. She was going to wait until, someone got out of work and then return. The door opened wider and out stepped a short to medium height woman with middle eastern- latin (hispanic) coloring, dark hair, etc.  She looked anxious, worried nervous. She looked at me. I had an uneasy feeling.  The doctors spoke with the woman by the doorway of the nurses station. It looked she was making a run for it. The Tafoya like dude, declared just  right around time that he was clocking  in for work.  At the same time, A black woman came over by the copier machine. Supposedly making copies of a file or something, she made a point of looking at me, granted I was sitting by the copier. She was a midwife. I had seen her maybe once on coming out of an exam room on the midwifery floor. I didn’t like her. I don’t know why but Yeah, I thought she would be one of the ones that would try to steal you. She looked like Oprah Winfrey, that black (afroamerican) television talk show host.. She made a copy of the papers in her hand, I think it was like one copy of a single paper. But she was making a big deal of it. Granted, Dymphna had told the other midwives to look out for me, since she had the recertification and could not be present or deliver my baby –you Hunter. In the meantime of the copy machine distraction the doctor/resident had taken the chart of the door or from the stack and had gone into the room beside me- the exam room that I would next enter.  I cannot remember the nurse on call that night but there was one there. I think a short skinny blond not sure no brunette nurse, just wait. The black nurse may have been the nurse for The ponytailed tall blond hair young woman, nah she left. Anyway the doctor came out. I heard the girl and her mother say thank you doctor. There was a nurse with him but I cannot recall description. The nurse though after the woman opened the door wider said she was going to get a wheelchair or they had to wait for the wheelchair to come and then the girl would be transported to delivery. I remember seeing the young woman wheeled out her mother beside her. The girl was acting like she was royalty or a princess of the street still- attitude (like the girl from dance class). I waited for the room to be cleaned. I think, memory fading, the nurse came up to me and said that “I would be going to the just vacated room. It had to be cleaned first” .  there was a woman resident that night, I remember now. Still cannot remember the nurse, but I went into the exam room..

The nurse came in I think a spanish woman short. No, I think it was just the resident. I had been in that room earlier in my pregnancy, Braxton Hicks contractions at that time they wanted to induced labor had said it was up to me, I could wait until the due date. It had been just a couple of weeks earlier. It was the nurse first, she checked my blood pressure, It was still high, then she called in the intern, ususal introductions. She did vitals etc. and then they hooked me up to a fetal monitor. The blood pressure cuff was still on. They came in and checked periodically. Ellen, the nurse midwife, my first midwife before Dymphna came in, said that Dymphna asked her to check in on me and  that she had mentioned that she would but could not stay because she wasn’t scheduled. I just thought of something- the initial was not scheduled for due date, weekend anyhow . it was her end of shift, and she was not schedule to work that weekend. She was with another midwife. The resident then came in and told me that I could not leave the hospital, they were going to transfer me to delivery. She left. I turned to Ellen and said can’t I just go home and pick up a few things. She sad dogged eyed me , kinda bent her head pitifully, pursed her lips(mouth expression) and said no. This was, you hunter are, my first child. I had never had any miscarriages, abortions, pregnancies before.  The medical reports proved that as well, but the superegos wounded kneeers were still around. Yeah theres more, that was a reference memory lead in note.   Ellen and her friend(the other nurse) stayed with me  a little while longer. More checks were done, pressure, fetal monitor and heart rate. I asked her if I could get a copy of the fetal monitor heart read out. She asked why and I told her it was for your birth song. Which,  I still have to get around to writing. I told her that I wanted to keep your (Hunter) umbilical cord- cord saving, so you would have it if any medical problems came up. I asked her to make sure to write it in the chart or on the chart, because, there would be no one there that was with me through the pregnancy. No midwives, none.  There  were people staff,  techs coming in and out running tests; EKG, etc. I asked for a copy of that as well- a personal copy. Someone had quipped, “Oh it will be in your chart”.- one of the nurses. I think it was the delivery nurse that had said that.  At that time, I , still and everyone else  was thought I would / could deliver naturally. Yours is a natural birth, I meant no c-section (no surgery needed) was I ever wrong.. Ellen said her good-byes and wished me luck.. I lay in the exam room listening to the sounds outside the door and waited. The biggest thing in my mind was the baby bag and your take home clothes. How would , I get that.  No one to call. Except, maybe it would not be too of an imposition (I hoped) plus I really didn’t them to well but she had brightened and hopefully her helping me had eased somewhat. The pain, or (another grey matter) of her husband s passing. Plus , I had met her daughter and her son- in law and they had invited me over to dinner. There famous spaghetti and homemade pasta sauce dinner., Maybe…..I t was about almost eight o’clock before I was wheeled to the delivery floor. I entered a private room. There was a television which only played two Spanish soap operas and an infomercial put out by the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital. A doctor and an intern came in and introduced themselves. The intern or resident looked like the lead singer of the  group everything but the girl; a dark slick backed shorthaired Irish type.  The doctor acted hostile, conceited and bothered. He introduced the staff nurse. While, they made their introductions, I thought further about who to call. I also heard voices in the next room and when the door was open I noticed a big fat black gut on a cellphone and a gothic looking heavily pregnant woman standing outside the door of the next room.  The nurse came in and put a blood pressure cuff on my arm. I was hooked up to the fetal monitor, the, someone came in with an I.V saline and glucose I think. She could not put the needle in my arm. They were acting like they were playing a game. It reminded me of being in happy vale. Yup, the needle slip , she had to reincert two more times. I now believe that it was lithium in the bags. My arm swelled up like three people. At about this time they asked I asked to use the telephone. So someone could bring me my clothes etc. they gave me something for the pain . I asked the doctor if it was going to be a C-section. I was having trouble and normally this was taking too long plus the hypertension, the supposed nurse not properly inserting the I.V had me worried. He said yeah, no problem you can deliver naturally, no surgery will be needed. He was acting cockily. He then did a vaginal exam to see if my water had broke. I was in a lot of pain and tender and I didn’t know this doctor and I didn’t want some strange man doctor or otherwise fisting me the way he was. He pushed  his fisted hand up into my vagina and turned one way pushing something back, then he turned , his fist in the other direction again pushing something back, then he slightly retracted not all the way and exam like in front of the cervix one side and then the next. He had a weird look in his eyes and I did not like what he was doing at all. My exams at the midwifery clinic weren’t even like that. They did the vaginal exams just like my other gynecologist. I started to wonder more about what the hell was going on. As the doctor retracted his hand, someone in the delivery room started screaming bloody hell. A scream resembling the ones in horror movies. The nurse checked the monitor while the doctor told me that I wasn’t dialated enough yet. He kept giving me weird looks. This was only the first check on the delivery floor. There would be several more and still only so many centimeters. I asked to use the telephone. I called the woman who had recently lost her husband. I cannot remember her name , for the life of me nor the name of the woman who ran the food pantry and is an ordained minister. I had met them when I ran out of food during my pregnancy with you. I did not have any food, no friends or family to invite me over for dinner no family pantries to raid like your aunt would do every time she came home from college no one to lend me money until the end of the month when I got my check. I still didn’t qualify for food stamps. So, I went to the food pantry. Through campus ministries I knew a couple of the students who volunteered there. I t was part of our community outreach. Yeah, Oh how embarrassing and pitiful. I was not going to be pitied though. This just explained or showed me a lot. I know every word before they say it and I know they are making fall guys, then they run and steal the food. There is an aura about them. I mean their haughtiness is a well placed facade. Then the others that make like a scurrying thing. Well, years before your grandmother set me up and basically its like who of your children if you had to sacrifice for the good of land country basically for themselves, who would you sacrifice She chose me and have always been choosing me until I said stop and she long since denounced me as her daughter. Your aunt and uncle went on to easy street as they say. I ignore the powers that be. Me, I would have said none and then all of us basically me and you we die or live as a family. A family that can trust in each other especially when the chips, etc, are down or forgotten. A basic premise of life. Well, the girl I knew that had manager the place was not there. I had forgotten that she had graduated and was working as a pre-school teacher. That reminded me of someone else. Why didn’t you still hang out with so and so. My former boss had a name for her. Which I  told her when we were sitting by the pool of a hotel, actually they snuck in, I just joined them later not naïve if you don’t tell me something even after(like my former boss) I find out from someone else I am not going to ask you and I didn’t like my old boss me heavy in a lot of ways ,bitter, plus if she didn’t like you for whatever reason. You wouldn’t graduate missing file with redone thesis or doctoral whatever or dissertation not handed in on time follow- up professor comments and decision missing, voila incomplete file. So you miss graduation, eventually graduate but after normal time. She was right though about Lydia(calling herself Lisa here, Helene in England). I think they were from the same part of Greece and Italy and I even suspected then that she was related to the girl she was talking about.  Really. They claimed the old woman was jealousy I was sick of the bitch. Lydia saying bad money management. It wasn’t. It was theft and the money the girl ‘thinks she has is stolen and is mine’, A little pixie when I came back to New Mexico. She asked me if I wanted my money back. I saw what she and her supposed Indian Prince friend did to two supposed friends of hers. Whenever I say anything about money they come around, You have seen it and hopefully by now they have passed away for one reason or another. The last thing she said to me  was that I was fun anymore, since I became  pregnant and was a mother now. She would threaten people in a couple of different ways. I mean look at your grandfather, he siced those creepouts on me and has the woman claiming that she is the real me plus he uses children and then takes their insurance policies. Anyway back to the food pantry, they say that I was pregnant and asked me how I was going to carry the box. I said that I was just picking up a couple of bags and would return for the rest, if that was alright. Since, it was just an allotment for a month. The minister struck up a conversation with me. What was playing in the back of my mind though was you all aren’t going to take my baby. I had had enough of the oh I, or we would never do that. I figured if you ever find yourself in a hole you would know what to do and where to go especially in college when they start hazing or saying stupid mentally limited things like I cannot be your friend anymore because I am still in high school in my mind or I am now a memebr of sigma chi or whatever. I am a gold key carrying ruby diamond holding descendant of Jack Kerouac, Diane Di Prima, or denise di palma  or diane di palma(but jack, lenore and john)Lenore Kandel and John Weiners myself. Believe they carry that mentality into the work force. They are doctors and lawyers. That was also how some women take root and take hold of insecurities bravadoed or buried deep within the earth.

 Anyway, they invited me to tea. Afternoon tea. I swear to God , It was Lovejoy, Agatha Christie mysteries PBS. Anyway just a couple of sweet people offering me tea. So we sat there, two of her employees an older gentleman and a young woman –older than me I was the youngest and the two older women and myself. In the backroom, employees lounge. A little bigger than a closet sized area with a table, coffee cups a fridge and microwave, They gave me a tour and showed me where everything was.

We had tea and conversation. They did most of the talking. They were surprised that being a University student I didn’t have any friends. I explained that I was a returning older student. The woman that lost her husband I will call her Anne. Her daughter seems like a Margaret. She gave me a ride home. I forgot to mention the other girl that was my friend she lived in a trailer park, was a nurse and was applying to Medical School. I think it was her third or fourth attempt at being accepted in.  Her name was Lorraine, I remember now. She threw me a baby shower. Anyway at this time, She had finally gotten accepted to Medical school and had moved back home to Texas to spend time with her family before starting her classes in the fall. She had left just before Christmas break. (John Edwards told me to remember her)


I picked up the telephone and called Anne. I left a message. She was not home yet.”Hi Anne, I said, This is Lois Johnson. Hi, uhm, I am in the hospital. I thought my water broke yesterday and came into the hospital. They told me to come back today- Pregnancy Hypertension. Well, they are keeping in the hospital. I have a favor to ask…beep.  I had to hang up and call again, ‘Hi its me again, quickly, I need someone to go to my apartment and pick up my baby bag and things. I have my keys on me so you would have to come to the hospital first and get the keys, hopefully this is not an inconvenience, my room is etc. etc. thanks. I hung up the telephone . The doctor came into the room again with the intern and checked how much I had dialated. It was getting more painful. I had tried the little breathing exercises that I knew which were nil. I kicked or you kicked me for not taking Lamaze classes but that dude teaching the class looked strange. I am superstitious at times. I still had not dilated enough. He said that he was going to give me something for the pain and for sleep. He then, told me that it was the end of his shift another doctor or nurse would be there in the morning. The baby was doing fine , according to the monitor and I would be all right until morning so I was to rest, build up strength and “Let’s see if we can get that baby out,”( don’t worry). I asked him again if it would be by C section or natural delivery. He said ‘Oh you will be just fine, no C section needed

By then, I wanted a cesearean section done. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to push and it hurt/ It felt like my whole insides were going to fall out. It also felt like someone ripped me apart and did not use anesthisa or a medical knife but a butcher knife and my Female parts (vagina) was torn to shreds or was going to tear. Like I was Sigourney Weaver in that Alien movie and I was giving birth to that alien creature, someone said the Abyss anyway but it didn’t come just out of my stomach, okay, painful. ‘Gosh, that looked like it hurt’. I reached for the remote control and watched a spanish soap opera. I surfed through the channel and finally decided on one. I drifted off to sleep.

During the night there were more screams of terror. I heard the woman in the next roon crying. The nurse and her husband was saying something to her, It didn’t sound wholesome. The next morning I awoke.  The nurse asked me how my night was. The baby was still doing allright. They check my statistics or vital stats, whatever., It was that time that I remembered the other pregnant  woman at my sonogram reading. When I said, I think I may be having triplets actually quadruplets but the sonogram only showed one fetus. She then replied, I am a nurse as well and pregnancy makes you forget the simplest of things and all knowledge flies out the window. I later me another woman in the health department of Newport, Oregons office. She said giving birth leaves you with half a brain. I know, as she rummage through her handbag, I am only existing on half a brain, she said smiling.. The morning doctor came in and checked  dilation. He prescribed more petosin.  I tried breathing exercises, but I was not sure if I was doing them right. I wished again, That I had gone through Lamaze classes,even if the guy had some skin disease on his face and hands. I thought at that time to suggest that they just do a cesearean section. The baby was not coming out this way and I was becoming more frightened. There was a knock on the hospital room door. It was Anne and with her was the woman/minister from the Food Pantry. I wish I remembered her name. I will call her Sally. They asked me how I was doing. Did I get enough rest? How the baby was doing. I told her what had transpired in the evening and morning hours. I thanked her for the gift of a camera since mine was still at home with the baby bag.  I asked her to pass me my bookbag and handed her my keys to my apartment. I told her where to find the overnight bag. They left and said that they would return in a couple of hours. She had to stop by her daughters first. I said thank you. I switched the channel on the television and watched the other Spanish soap opera. I tried to push and rest with every fierce contraction, but nothing was happening and I didn’t want to hurt the baby.



The doctor came in and checked how many centimeters I had dilated. This time he was with the intern. Other medical staff came in and out throughout the day. Anne returned alone with my bags and a calling card. She said for me to call my mother. Sally returned around early evening. I was telling Anne that she should leave, that I would be all right. She had been with me during most of the afternoon. The doctor and the intern from the previous night had returned. I guess their shift started at 3pm. It wasn’t until around 6pm when I saw them. He prescribed a new pain killer which after you were born, hunter… I found out that  it was under investigation. I felt no more pain though. I asked the doctor if you were going to be a ceserean birth. No need for surgery he said, You and the baby are doing just fine. You will be able to deliver naturally. I wanted to yell, I don’t want to anymore. Anne came back into the room after the doctors exam and patted my hand while Sally asked the nurse and the doctor some questions. Anything wrong I said, they went no your doing just fine. Anne and I are going to the cafeteria to get some dinner. Do you want anything. I asked for some soda. Let me check with the nurse. The nurse said gingerale no pepsi and more ice than soda. They came back from dinner as the nurse was checking the monitor.  Polite conversation was made. We heard screaming from the delivery room again. A worst horror movie scream than the night before. They insisted that I call my mother. I asked for a phone and used the phone card that Anne gave me. I called my mothers’ house first and got no answer. I thought my father would answer the phone since He was living with her at the time. No answer, I dialed my grandmothers’ house. My grandmother picked up the telephone.

“Hi, grandma”, I said.

“Hello Miss Loi, my grandmother said. How are you doing? I hear that I am to be a great grandmother”.

“Yeah, I replied. I am kinda having the baby right now. Well, I am in the hospital. I am calling from the delivery room”.

“Is that so?, hold on here’s your mum”, grandma replied.

“Goodevening Loiz”, my mother said.

“Hi mommy”, I replied maturely.

A silence descended. “How are you”.

“Fine, I replied. I am in the hospital”.

“The hospital?”, my mother queried.

“I am about to have my baby”.

I felt her look at my grandmother. Who I hoped was smiling. I sensed a laugh. “Your baby?”

Now I was starting to feel a little perturbed. Exasperated would be a better term

“Yeah mommy. I am in the hospital and I am about to have my baby”.

She laughed. This was definitely not the response that I felt I should have received.

“Mommy this is serious”, I petulantly responded.

“Your having a baby?, Her laugh stilled. Who’s there with you?” It sounded like a ‘who’s the father’ response which I should have been asked  months ago.

“ Anne and Sally. Anne’s the woman I met. The one who just lost her husband.

Sally is her friend”. I answered the inquiry.

I didn’t think it was a good time to tell her that Sally was the manger of the local food pantry and was an ordained minister. Once she got over the food pantry thing, then it would have been what type of religion. No not a good time to mention that. I think I was more saving the father of my babies hide more than me own.

Your having a baby she said, this time excitement was in her voice. I thought you were joking.

“No mommy, I am having a baby”, I quietly responded. A deflated calm had set in.

“For real.”

“Yes mommy”

“Really, really” ,she said

“Yes mommy”.

“How is it, what did the doctors say, How are you feeling”. I told her what had transpired so far, about the screaming in the delivery room and that the nurse had attached the saline drip wrong and that I looked like a beached whale or dolphin.

“That’s what happened to me when I had you, You are just like me”.

My mothers’ response and new amount of concern, all of a sudden was getting on my nerves. What had I been telling her for the past nine months?  Had she not listened or read any of my letters? This was just pathetic. This was supposed to be my day. What is this, I am just like her crap!  What is happening now, to me happened, to her when I was born!  This response, now, after all those years of asking when was I born, what time, what happened plus how did I look. You were a miracle baby was all the response ever given. No way dude, this is my life!

“Mommy, Anne bought me a calling card to call you. I don’t want to run the time out. I have to get off the phone now. So that I can call you back after my baby is born.”

Okay, okay, I really thought you were joking. Rest, don’t worry take care and call me and your grandmother when it is born.”

“Tell everyone I said Hi and that I love them and grandma too, Bye”.

“Good bye, take care, Call”.

I hung up the phone. I thought to myself, ‘How Celine Dion’, not, that whole episodic phone call was. Anne and Sally had migrated towards the hallway during  my phone call. They came back into the room as I was placing the phone by my bedside.























Crest of my heart (Rhode Island, I remembered a tale finally told)

[For my baby boy, now 3yr old son Hunter]


Holding songs I sing

Under a crown of sundrenched leaves adorning a wooded glen

Nottingham rides a gallant stead

Twice Arabian bred, twice to bed

England frowned and shook her maidenhead (many heads)

Roaring like the lioness once more


Enduring wraiths of shadowed times

Water edging a mountainous flow (or mountain flow)

Angling (angles) angels’ hair into morning light

Non-nucleudian geometry dances circles on bended knees and on your gilded sword

































Writing left undone II/Making  your  childhood life still worth living long before envy starts{Written in December, Christmas time 2003 in Elmira New York.  Hunter was 2 and a half at the time. Jesus,(interruption) I am not in jail so I wish that dude would stop thinking that all the citizens of the city and town of Elmira are convicts just because two of the State of New York correctional facilities, etc. are located in this area. The ‘dude’ is getting on my nerves.}



Heaven shared corners of your smile, while

Unheard slivers of silver (silvered) threads shimmered through a (the) harpist strings

Northern nights dreamed of summers where

Two lovers entwined upon oceans laden by sand(s)

Enduring all that we have untold

Reverently bowing to angelic lows


Engaged, you are

With childhood mysteries

Adults forget once old

Noticing every aspect of your presence

------------Loving you even more




























Hummingbird I.(too much television-“idol night/day”)



Here you lay alone and confused

Unadorned in splendid dress

Mechanically rearranging life’s’ laundry

Mulling one -the you, the children, the fashionably depressed

Insulating from barraging psychotic neighbors

Noticing little joys you still hold

Gratifying no needs for fear of slander


Buried amongst the average mortal coil

I could not leave without alerting you to your dangers

Resounding non-elocution

Disparaging once again

----Don’t worry the porcelain throne is yours







Hummingbird II.



Hellacious, bodacious rancor

Undulates exasperated sighs

Mumbling the rumbling sounds

Mending while divining why

Instinctively sensing mirroring cascadence

Natural forms blossoming in sultry scales

Gardening only thought—through trampled down doors


Butterflies are what I will always morn(mourn)

Intuitive subliminals

Robins breast of fallen visions

Dances auras crossed with Pendragoned swords (murals, themes, and rituals)

