Pantoum(Pantun)- recurring material; obsessional material(rich foundations for poetry)- not something you choose it chooses you.

-          images of flying

-          escapism

-          fascination

-          love and sex in all forms

-          comes from Malaya

-          written in quatrains

-          first oral form derived from fishing songs

-          first acquired by the french(pastoral)

-          in mid 1950’s first introduced into the American mainstream by New York school poet John Ashbury

-          seemingly endless repetitions

                                -     a sophisticated musical and pleasing form


1. Line A            2.. Line B        3. Line E

    Line B                 Line E            Line G

    Line C                 Line D            Line F

    Line D                 Line F            Line H


                                    Its cut up lines break down linear thought                              

                                    The form is fresh and ancient


                  Method for composing a pantoum.


1.       write a stanza of four lines

          -lines fairly intact

          -each expressing just one basic idea or image

2.       in the second stanza it is time you let go of the idea that you can control the pantoum

            -allow the wave-like form to carry you along

3.       in the pantoum ,you simply pick up line 2 and 4 of the first stanza and make them lines 1and 3 of the next stanza

4.       most common grid

-          repeton from line 2 of previous stanza

-          line 1 of the opening stanza

-          repeton from line 4 of previous stanza

-          line 3 of the opening stanza

-          flipping lines 1 and 3 of the first stanza so that the poem ends with the same line it began with

-          repeton from line 2 of previous stanza

-          line 3 from the opening stanza

-          repeat on line 4 from previous stanza

-          line 1 from the opening stanza

5.       this gives the feeling of a complete circle(closure{much needed?})

6.       it is possible to rhyme the pantun

7.       the rhyme scheme is


           -lines 1and 3 rhyme

           -while lines 2 and 4 do as well

(its easier to rhyme it-melodic song-la chanteuse n’est ce pas)



Prose poem

1.       short(never mine)

2.       strong in voice

3.       imagery over plot


                       Letter Poem

1.       called the epistle(a cake walk to some)

2.       also known as the alphabet poem or acrostic(name poem)