To be a poet, you must have had the childhood of a poet~meaning you must recover your sense, impressions from the time when they were the most vivid~one must be able to touch, sense, taste, see, and hold childhood:


Anaphora- creates rhythm(color imagery)

Form in a poem-more than one element- repeating elements                                     

                %organic form- altered proverb or addage-vernacular language

                % metaphor-things are connected and going or go wild

something is to something as something else

is to something else – ex. 1.Climaxing with you is like muscles stretched taut over bone 2.The solution was hydrochloric acid, the problem was therefore a chemical inbalance 3.up is like down when you cannot tie even your own shoelaces 4. A spider on an old mans beard is like pieces of sand in your bed at 3am in the morning. 5. If I should wake before I die kiss the apples from my eyes 6.the wino took to coma like a crack addict to his self-medicating pipe  7.The oars on the boat rowed as if a tall lanky pirate making his way to the Pitts of hell.


Image, metaphor,analogy and connection> filling in whatever blanks suit fancy: leaving blank those that do not trigger any response


Language is a more plastic medium than we are taught

The objective world is our best source for images                                                             

Poems are made things


Ritual poem-series of activities which cause things to happen---(I will not trap your heart love)


Ballads-are songs, rhyme schemes-odd; horrible tale, current events; injustice





ex. Listen my friends to my sad tale of woe

the pains started early caught between blows

I protected, screened, and dulled

the smoke signal rising low

not a cigarette causing the pain

alas the greed of cover-up and children needlessly slain

Protected for years, as a child 

I heard the stories, of the priviledged few

Descending, for fashion

accepting for grace

societies chantreuse