Musing right along forgotten things once menopause erodes brain splattered tarmacs

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Who is Lenore Kandel and what is beat?

*known as the missing beat: part of the San Francisco Beat scene-generation
*claims to be born under the sign of Capricorn
*published two books of poetry
      The Love Book
      Wood Alchemy
*Kerouac based the character 'Romona Schwartz' in his book   Big Sur   on Lenore
     ~Poetry is never Compromised~
    Poetry is never compromise. It is the translation of a vision,an illumination,an experience. If you compromise your vision you become a blind prophet.
           1. no point in poetry which exists(mainly) as an exercise in dexterity
           2. craft is valuable
               a. serves as a midwife for
            3. Poetry
                    -medium of vision and experience
                    -not necessarily(so) comfortable
                    -not necessarily safe
                b. academic poetry
                       breeds offensive to mainstream- doers and shelvers-                       trust compilers
            4. There are no barriers to poetry or prophecy
                 barrier breakers by nature:
                       bursts of perception
                       lines of infinity
                       barrier of self/barrier being self
                       protective barriers to true thought
A society afraid of itself is afraid of its poets. polariting possibilities of life and death exist as a constant consciousness.- atrophies to pysche(1967)                                     

What is Beat?
conscious, unconscious forms of thought tactile non-tactile touch of rhythm motion, time experience current new old everchanging changing thought thoughts mine.

A Critical Analysis of Lenore Kandels works and the media fervpr and public or associated fear

Poets Path

Beat Museum

Woodstock Nation

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Authors of banned books

Gondolas in Venice; Size=240 pixels wide

conscious notations by Lois Consuel:a.e.o Johnson
University of New Mexico;1999