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Ascending Heaven through Spectral Prisms of the Past: A Collection of Poetry and Prose- by Lois Consuelao Johnson

Depth: A Watercolored Distance

Ruined; whispered smoke lingers suspended
Encircling embraced arms;retreating turning
Inward, closing,sensing,carefully,watching
Purposely forgetting lost pleasures
love unwanted, only yet... yet..sighing   yet
Escaping this poet; swollen tears
Zinnias of watercolor deflect piercing glances
Smoke filled prisms juxtapose mirroring redirected sunlight
Touching; sorrow will always be a carefully fabricated mask
Embarassed. love more than misfortune
Overshadowed;only you did not see
The deadliest of persuasions retreating
Stalling for too many unrequited times
Esse non est percipi
Dreams in half-mooned hotel rooms sing silent memoirs of shimmered twilight
Nothing is but what is thought
Occassionally glancing at retracted mirrored surfaces
Sunlit brushes frozen views to newly openned wounds
Noticing hostility with nothing to say
Hangers blurs into one cremoniously laying at the foot of our bed
Opening more than windows illuminating shattered smoke laden thought
July's heat softens fettuccine standard sheets
'Allegria is that sangria and allegro?'
Laughing, silently watching you dress
Escaping again? Does it seep through your pores?
Usual equations broke this balanced heart
Surfacing unsuccessfully aborted approaches formulating swirls
Narcissus,free floating into hushed Sevillane turns
Orchids of thought lightly reflect already subdued outbursts
Conscience, I never meant to hurt
Institutionalized in higher learning harbor bay lights reflect
Open seas responding to whispered sighs
Laughter, you are the mother and father of mixed and true rhythmic response
