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Le Cafe Au Lait

Recipes- Morning Glory

Surf Sider Eggs                                         Rum French Toast

Ingredients:                                                                     Ingredients:

Cheese Sauce:                                     4 eggs 

1/2 cup flour                                                                         1 cup milk,or heavy cream

1/4 cup butter                                                                       4 tablespoons butter

1 1/4 cups milk                                                                      3 tablespoons dark rum

2/3 grated cheese                                                                 2 tablespoons sugar

salt and pepper to taste                                                      1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1 pinch nutmeg                                                                     1 pinch salt                

a few drops hot pepper sauce                                            6 thick slices white or whole

                                                                                                 wheat  bread  

**********                                            2 tablespoons vegetable oil
                                                Garnish: strawberries, bananas,melon,                                                                                whatever fruit is fresh,diced and cubed(optional)
1 tbsp vegetable oil                                                         
1 1/2 lbs ground beef                                                
1 medium onion,chopped                                           
1 large clove,minced                                                                                                                          
1medium onion,chopped                                                                                                                  
1 tbsp minced fresh oregano,                                                     
or 1/2 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
1 pkg 10-12oz frozen copped spinach
thawed,drained, and squeezed to remove
excess water

1/2 c grated parmesan cheese
6-12 poached eggs
************                                                                ************   

To make the cheese sauce,combine the                   Stir together the eggs ,milk or cream

flour and  butter in a saucepan, cook                       rum,sugar,nutmeg and salt in a shallow

about five minutes over low heat                               bowl. Dip both sides of each bread

Stir in the milk, and whisk vigourously                    slice in the batter, and place the slices

as the sauce thickens. When the sauce                   on a piece of waxed paper. Heat 2tbsp

is thick, add the cheese and seasonings                  butter and 1 tbsp oil in a large skillet

Keep the sauce warm. Heat the oil in a                     large enough to hold three slices at a

heavy skillet. Add the beef, cook until brown         time. Fry the bread over medium heat,

and crumbly. Stir in the onion and garlic, and          turning once,until it is lightly brown.

cook, stirring,until the onion is limp,@5mins           Keep the cooked slices warm while

Add the salt,oregano,nutmeg and pepper.               you fry the remaining three in the rest

Add the spinach, and continue cooking and          of the oil and butter. To serve, cut

and stirring until the liquid has evaporated.            each slice of bread in half, and  

Add the cheese. Spoon the mixture into six(6)        arrange the pieces on plates.    

 ramekins.  Top each serving with one or two          Garnish the plates with fruit,and

freshly poached eggs, and spoon on the hot          serve with butter and warm maple

 cheese sauce. Serve immediately.                             syrup.

Serving Size: 6