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Le Cafe Au Lait




3 1/2 pounds dark sweet cherries

2 cups sugar

3/4 cup light rum

3/4 cup brandy


Layer half of the cherries in a large saucepan; mash lightly until some cherry skins split. Sprinkle with 1 cup of sugar; repeat with remainig cherries and sugar. Let stand 1 hour, stirring constantly.

Cook over low heat, stirring frequently, until sugar is dissolved, about 15 minutes. Continue cooking, stirring occassionally, until cherries are tender 35- 40 minutes. 

Strain, pressing cherries to extract juice. Cool juice; discard skins and pits. Stir in rum and brandy. Pour into bottles or jars and cover tightly;refrigerate. Serve cordial plain in small glasses, over ice or as an ice-cream topping. Store in refrigerator up to 3 weeks

Serving Size:

4 1/2 cups servings


24 sugar cubes or 1/2 cup sugar
6 whole cloves
5 sticks cinnamon
Peel of 1 medium orange, cut in spiral
1/2 cup brandy
1/3 cup instant coffee
3 cups boiling water
Heat sugar cubes, cloves, cinnamon sticks, orange peel, and brandy in chafing dish or shallow pan just until warm. Dissolve coffee in boiling water. Ignite brandy-spice mixture in chaffing dish. After brandy flames, gradually add the hot coffee. Stir and ladle into demitasse cups.
Serves: 9 (1/3 cup each)