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Le Cafe Au Lait

Cooking Tips


To Process safely: Process fruits,tomatoes and pickled vegetables in a warm bath canner. Process all common vegetables(low acid foods) in a steam pressure canner. Wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly even if they are to be pared. Dirt contains some of the hardest to kill bacteria.
To prepare lids: Examine the tops and edges of standard jars and lids. Discard any with chips, cracks, dents, or rust-they prevent an airtight seal. Wash jars in hot, soapy water;rinse. Cover jars with hot water until ready to use; invert on folded towel just before filling. Prepare lids as directed by manufacturer.
To prepare Water Bath: Fill a water bath canner, with rack, half full with hot water; heat. The water should be hot but not boiling when the jars are placed in canner. Pack hot food in hot jars, leaving the amount of headspace specified in recipe.  Wipe tops and screw threads of jars with damp cloth; seal immediately as directed by manufacturer.
To Process Jars: Place each jar, as it is filled, in water bath. Jars should not touch each other or fall against the side of canner during processing. Pour boiling water around but not on jars until it is 1 to 2 inches above jars;cover canner. Heat water to boiling; reduce heat to a steady, gentle boil.  Start counting processing time specified in recipe. remove jars; complete seals, if necessary, as directed by manufacturer
To Cool Jars: Place jars upright, not touching, on rack or folded cloth; keep out of drafts but do not cover. Test for seal after about 12 hours(caps or lids will be depressed in center; lids with wire clamps and rubber seals will not leak when inverted) If seal is incomplete, empty the jar and repack and reprocess food as if freshor place in refrugerator for immediate use. Remove screw bands from completely sealed jars. Store jars in cool, dry area.


STYLE 1: Fold napkin in half lengthwise.Fold both top corners down. Meet bottom corners in center. Fold top under if you prefer.
STYLE 2: Fold napkin in half;pleat Slip into napkin ring; fan out or slip bottom into ring; fan out

List of Tips

Tip 1: Water-Bath Canning
Tip 2: Natty Napkins
Tip 3: Organizing Your Freezer

Organizing your Freezer
Label packages with name. date, number of servings, storage time and type of pack( if fruit, label sugar, syrup or unsweetened). Keep an inventory of frozen items. List the date they were frozen and check them off when used. Arrange large frozen packages on bottom of freezer and crushables on top. thawing then refreezing is not recommended, so use meal-size containers.